Benchmark Litigation Names Elizabeth Cabraser and Kelly Dermody “Top 250 Women in Litigation” for 2019

Benchmark Litigation has named Lieff Cabraser partners Elizabeth J. Cabraser and Kelly M. Dermody to its Top 250 Women in Litigation 2019 listing. Benchmark Litigation, touted as “the definitive guide to America’s leading litigation firms and attorneys,” covers the United States, Canada, Latin America and, most recently, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region, – is now

2023-03-14T16:43:22+00:00August 27th, 2019|Awards, Firm News|

Kelly M. Dermody Moderates “Gender Equality in the #MeToo World” Discussion at National Equal Opportunity Law Florida Conference

At the April 3, 2019 National Conference on Equal Employment Opportunity in Coral Gables, Florida, Lieff Cabraser partner Kelly M. Dermody moderated the opening event, a plenary discussion focusing on “gender equality in the #MeToo World” with lawyer and journalist Dahlia Lithwick (Newsweek and Slate) and the Honorable Victoria A. Lipnic, Commissioner and Acting Chair

2023-03-14T16:41:39+00:00May 20th, 2019|Firm News|

Kelly Dermody To Speak at 45th Annual American Bar Association National Conference on Professional Responsibility

Lieff Cabraser partner Kelly M. Dermody will be speaking on Thursday, May 30th at the American Bar Association’s 45th Annual National Conference on Professional Responsibility in Vancouver, BC as part of a panel discussion on “Harassment and Discrimination in the Rule 8.4(g) and #Metoo Era.” The panel will address how law firms, corporate law departments,

2019-05-08T15:27:37+00:00May 8th, 2019|Firm News|

Kelly Dermody to Speak at Berkeley Law’s Worldwide #MeToo Movement Conference

Lieff Cabraser partner Kelly M. Dermody will speak at The World Wide #MeToo Movement: Global Resistance to Sexual Harassment and Violence Conference, on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at the UC Berkeley School of Law. Kelly will moderate a panel discussing “The Role of Non-Disclosure Agreements” in sexual misconduct cases. Panelists include legal experts in the fields

2019-05-06T13:22:58+00:00May 6th, 2019|Firm News|

Kelly Dermody A Featured Panelist at American Bar Association’s Midyear International Labor & Employment Law Conference

Lieff Cabraser partner Kelly M. Dermody will speak as a distinguished panelist at the American Bar Association’s Midyear International Labor & Employment Law Conference on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at the Palacio Duhau – Park Hyatt Hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She will be featured on a panel titled “#MeToo and Beyond: Addressing Sexual Harassment, Pay

2019-04-29T14:43:32+00:00April 29th, 2019|Employment Law, Firm News|

Kelly M. Dermody Comments on New Federal Paycheck Fairness Act

As reported in the Daily Journal (subscription), on Wednesday March 27, 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a new bill called the federal Paycheck Fairness Act, aimed at giving mistreated employees more effective tools to assert their rights by expanding sex discrimination class actions, damages assessments therein, and company reporting requirements.

2019-03-29T12:10:26+00:00March 29th, 2019|Employment Law|