Google Can’t Escape Women’s Claims of Pay Disparities, Gender Discrimination

Judge denies tech giant’s attempts to reduce size of proposed class in case over discrimination in salary and promotions for women As reported in the Recorder (subscription) and the California Daily Journal (subscription), on Tuesday March 27th Judge Mary E. Wiss of the Superior Court of California issued an order permitting the pay equity class

2018-03-30T17:02:52+00:00March 30th, 2018|Employment Law|

Wall Street Often Left Unaccountable for Workplace Sexual Harassment – Is the System Rigged?

Despite numerous women coming forward with workplace sexual harassment claims against male counterparts, there is one industry where senior executives seem to be left without any accountability for their misconduct – finance. And some women think enough is enough. The financial industry appears to spawn just as many cases of discrimination, harassment, abuse and assault

2018-01-09T09:01:47+00:00January 9th, 2018|Employment Law|

Lieff Cabraser Lawyers Pitch In On ‘Time’s Up,’ New Legal Initiative Created To Combat Sexual Harassment

300 prominent actresses, female agents, writers, directors, producers, and entertainment executives have joined forces to fight systemic sexual harassment in Hollywood and beyond in blue-collar workplaces across the nation. The new initiative, called Time’s Up, includes funding for legal representation which will be coordinated and administered by the National Women’s Law Center’s Legal Network for

2023-03-14T17:12:03+00:00January 2nd, 2018|Employment Law, Public Good|