Kelly Dermody Discusses Gender Pay Legislation and Active Equal Pay Litigation Around the Globe at Italy Conference

Lieff Cabraser employment lawyer Kelly M. Dermody spoke at the American Bar Association (ABA) International Committee Midyear Meeting running May 6-10, 2018 in Milan, Italy. Ms. Dermody was featured on a distinguished panel titled “Equal Pay: Update on Gender Pay Legislation and Active Litigation Around the Globe: What’s Next?” from 9:45-11:00am on Wednesday, May 9.

2018-05-09T11:11:50+00:00May 9th, 2018|Employment Law, Firm News|

Goldman Sachs Gender Discrimination Case Gets Class Action Status After 13 Year Battle

As highlighted in a feature article in Bloomberg Businessweek, a federal judge in New York recently ruled that a former vice president of Goldman Sachs and three other women can now represent as many as 2,300 other current and former Goldman Sachs employees over claims of systemic gender discrimination at the global investment banking giant.

2018-05-03T11:46:45+00:00May 3rd, 2018|Employment Law|

Lieff Cabraser Authors Amicus Brief to Help Eliminate LGBT Discrimination in the Workplace

A coalition of six organizations filed an amicus brief in support of the respondents in the case of Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 to work to help eliminate discrimination against LGBT individuals in the workplace. This brief marks the first time that LGBT rights groups have joined together in a non-marriage case at the Supreme

2018-05-02T15:21:51+00:00May 2nd, 2018|Employment Law, Public Good|

Wall Street Often Left Unaccountable for Workplace Sexual Harassment – Is the System Rigged?

Despite numerous women coming forward with workplace sexual harassment claims against male counterparts, there is one industry where senior executives seem to be left without any accountability for their misconduct – finance. And some women think enough is enough. The financial industry appears to spawn just as many cases of discrimination, harassment, abuse and assault

2018-01-09T09:01:47+00:00January 9th, 2018|Employment Law|