APsystems Defective Solar Energy Systems Investigation

Lieff Cabraser is investigating reports that solar technology company, APsystems, has a solar energy system on the market with allegedly defective and potentially dangerous components. The systems reportedly can malfunction and possibly overheat, causing system shutdowns and loss of energy production. APsystems did not disclose the defects pre-sale to consumers and has not recalled the units. APsystems has not informed the public of the ongoing safety risks its systems allegedly pose and the systems allegedly do not meet the representations APsystems made about their quality, function, and safety.

Contact a Consumer Lawyer at Lieff Cabraser Today

Homeowners with the allegedly defective APsystems components in their solar system should use the form on this page to contact a consumer protection attorney at Lieff Cabraser to discuss your legal rights and potential recovery. There is no charge or obligation for our review of your case, and the information you provide will help us hold APsystems accountable.

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