Elizabeth Cabraser in Trial Magazine on Meaningful Settlements that Bring Justice for Clients and Society

The American Association for Justice’s April 2020 issue of Trial magazine “Finding Your Way” includes a new article featuring commentary from Lieff Cabraser partner Elizabeth Cabraser, wherein she discusses meaningful settlements she’s been involved in and gives advice to lawyers on negotiating terms in settlements that bring justice for both clients and society. The piece

2022-08-10T17:24:13+00:00April 3rd, 2020|Commentary, Firm News|

American Association for Justice Minority Caucus & Women Trial Lawyers Caucus PAC Drive

“Choosing a member of Congress is as important as choosing a jury” On Thursday, December 5, 2019, the Political Action Committee of the American Association for Justice will be holding a fundraising drive. In the 2018 midterm elections, 85% of the 299 candidates the AAJ PAC supported were victorious. Lawyers are asked to consider contributing

2019-12-02T13:54:33+00:00December 2nd, 2019|Commentary|

Full Measure Talks to Kenny Byrd About the “Forgotten” Tobacco War

Lieff Cabraser Nashville partner Kenneth S. Byrd recently spoke with Sharyl Attkisson of Full Measure in an in-depth cover story about the forgotten legacy of the big tobacco lawsuit settlement, “the one that came after the nation’s cigarette makers got caught red handed in a decades-long cover-up of their products’ risks and addictive qualities.” However,

2018-09-24T14:58:17+00:00September 24th, 2018|Commentary, Tobacco Litigation|

“Shock, Dismay, and a Resolve to Hold USC and Dr. George Tyndall Accountable for Sexual Misconduct and Cover-Up” – A Post by Lawyer and USC Alum Annika K. Martin

On a beautiful spring morning in 2004, on an outdoor stage in view of Tommy Trojan, I accepted my diploma from the University of Southern California’s law school. I was so proud to be a USC graduate that day, and for many days and years after that, as I used my law degree to fight

2018-06-12T13:07:08+00:00June 12th, 2018|Commentary, Personal Injury, Women's Health|

Recorder Q&A With Kelly Dermody on Employment Cases, Gender Pay Disparities, and the Future

Law.com’s online journal The Recorder caught up with Lieff Cabraser partner and Chair of the firm’s Employment Law practice group Kelly M. Dermody for a substantial and wide-ranging question and answer session published June 1st (subscription). Noting Ms. Dermody’s leadership on equal pay and promotion gender class actions against industry giants like Google and Goldman Sachs,

2018-06-04T11:06:27+00:00June 4th, 2018|Commentary, Employment Law|

Impact Fund Guest Blog – Anne Shaver on “Distinguishing Dukes: Another Victory For Employment Discrimination Class Actions”

Lieff Cabraser partner Anne B. Shaver has written a piece for the Impact Fund legal practitioner blog titled “Distinguishing Dukes: Another Victory For Employment Discrimination Class Actions.” The piece looks at the gender discrimination case Chen-Oster v. Goldman Sachs, No. 10-6950 (S.D.N.Y.), wherein the court recently certified a Rule 23(b)(3) class of female vice presidents

2023-03-14T16:40:51+00:00May 30th, 2018|Commentary, Employment Law|

“Supreme Court Deals Blow to Employees Holding Employers Accountable” – Rachel Geman Writes for ACS Blog

Lieff Cabraser partner Rachel Geman has written a piece for the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS) titled “Supreme Court Deals Blow to Employees Hoping to Hold Employers Accountable.” In the piece, Geman challenges the wisdom of the recent 5-4 Supreme Court ruling in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis, where Justice Gorsuch’s majority

2018-05-29T14:48:17+00:00May 29th, 2018|Commentary, Employment Law|