Dr. Katharina Kolb
Managing Partner, Munich Office

Dr. Kolb is the managing partner of Lieff Cabraser’s Munich office and heads Lieff Cabraser’s German litigation practice. She advises on all aspects of German and European antitrust and competition law as well as German tort and liability law. Dr. Kolb has broad experience in the structuring and coordination of complex multi-jurisdictional litigation and collective redress cases. She regularly advises financial investors and litigation funders with respect to the investment into different types of litigation and the purchase of reimbursement and damages claims. Dr. Kolb frequently represents individuals and companies as well as litigation vehicles in front of the German courts.
Who is Who Legal recognizes Dr. Kolb as one of the world’s “Future Leaders” in competition. Lawdragon has included Dr. Kolb in its first-ever published “Lawdragon 500 Global Plaintiff Lawyers” list as being part of a “remarkable, globe-spanning group of advocats” who “are standouts in antitrust and competition, investor and shareholder rights, mass torts and aviation accidents”.
Dr. Kolb is a member of the ABA, The European Circle for Competition Damages, the Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht, and the Münchener Kartellrechtsforum. Dr. Kolb serves as a Vice Chair of the ABA’s Global Private Litigation Committee and as a board member of the Competition Litigation Forum. Dr. Kolb is co-editor of the “Handbuch Prozessfinanzierung” published by C.H. Beck Verlag.
Dr. Kolb speaks German, English, and French.