American Legal Media and have named the Plaintiff Litigation team, co-led by Lieff Cabraser San Francisco office Managing Partner Kelly Dermody, as “Litigators of the Week” for their work in securing a $215 million settlement of the long-running Goldman Sachs gender discrimination case. Historic for multiple reasons, the settlement is one of the largest discrimination settlements in U.S. history, and is the single-largest gender bias settlement that has occurred in advance of employees winning their case at trial. It is the third-largest gender bias settlement of any kind on record (the only larger ones coming years after the employees won at trial), and is nearly five times larger than the next-largest gender bias class action settlement involving a Wall Street firm.

The settlement also includes the mandated retention of independent experts to evaluation Goldman Sachs’ performance review process and gender pay disparities. The financial portion of the settlement represents approximately 78% of potential damages in this case arising from the challenged performance evaluation and promotion processes, and 50% of all potential class damages. The team representing the plaintiffs also includes Outten & Golden’s Adam Klein, Cara Greene, and Christopher McNerney, and Lieff Cabraser partners Anne Shaver, Rachel Geman, Michelle Lamy, and Michael Levin-Gesundheit.

Congratulations to the entire Goldman Sachs gender discrimination lawsuit team!

To learn more about the lawsuit, visit


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