American Antitrust Institute Successfully Opposes Drug Makers’ Attempts to Enjoin New California Law Outlawing Pay-for-Delay Drug Settlements

Lieff Cabraser serves as counsel for amicus AAI, who successfully secured denial of drug makers’ requested injunction against the new pro-competition law AB 824 Lieff Cabraser serves as counsel for amicus American Antitrust Institute, on whose behalf the firm filed a brief in opposition to drug makers’ attempts to enjoin a new California law (AB

2019-12-31T14:47:16+00:00December 31st, 2019|Amicus, Antitrust|

Health Organizations Warn More Children Are Swallowing Dangerous Toy Magnets

As reported by The Washington Post, the number of children ingesting rare-earth magnets — often made into desktop toys — has skyrocketed in the last three years. When ingested, these tiny magnets are capable of shredding a child’s intestines as they are often 10 times stronger than ordinary magnets. As The Post notes, “if multiple

2019-12-26T14:59:23+00:00December 26th, 2019|Infant & Child Injuries|

Lieff Cabraser Announces Settlement of Lovenox/Enoxaparin Drug Antitrust Class Action with Momenta and Sandoz

$120 million aggregate settlement will benefit hospitals, insurers and companies that pay for their employees’ healthcare costs, and uninsured people affected by the pharma companies’ alleged anticompetitive conduct Lieff Cabraser is proud to announce that Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Sandoz Inc. have agreed to settlements totaling $120 million in the antitrust class action about enoxaparin,

2019-12-22T14:23:27+00:00December 22nd, 2019|Antitrust|

Lieff Cabraser Announces Settlement of Nationwide Mercedes-Benz A/C Mold and Mildew Case

Uncapped settlement will provide reimbursement for qualified past repairs and all or part of the cost of future repairs to owners and lessees of approximately 2.5 million Mercedes-Benz vehicles affected by the alleged Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system mold and mildew defects Lieff Cabraser and Corpus Law Patel announce that plaintiff vehicle owners

2019-12-20T12:46:50+00:00December 20th, 2019|Consumer Fraud, Defective Products|

$52 Million Settlement in Farmers Group Insurance Illegal Pricing Lawsuit Gets First Nod

As reported by the Texas Lawyer (subscription), on Monday, December 16, 2019, Judge Lee Yeakel of the Western District of Texas gave the first round of approval to a settlement of a class action against Farmers Group Inc. valued at $52 million arising from allegations the insurance company systematically charged their existing customers more than

2019-12-19T12:21:13+00:00December 19th, 2019|Consumer Fraud|

Class Action Lawsuits Play Critical Role in the Fight to Protect Consumers and Workers from Being Cheated –

Powerful and straightforward piece in Slate reveals how Americans have had their consumer and employee rights stripped away from them Since their inception, class action lawsuits have provided consumers with a mechanism to challenge and deter large corporations from breaking the law. Over the last decade, however, hundreds of millions of Americans have seen themselves

2019-12-18T14:45:49+00:00December 18th, 2019|Consumer Fraud, Employment Law|

Abuse Survivors Can Receive Compensation From Fund Set Up By Six California Catholic Dioceses

Survivors need to be aware of fast-approaching January 31, 2020 deadline for all claims Individuals who were sexually abused by priests across six California Catholic dioceses now have the option to file claims to receive money from a new independent compensation program managed outside the church. The Independent Compensation Program (“ICP”), initially announced in May

2019-12-17T16:00:20+00:00December 17th, 2019|Personal Injury, Sexual Abuse|

Lieff Cabraser and Co-Counsel File Sexual Assault Class Action Against Frontier Airlines

Lawsuit alleges the carrier fails in its duty to prevent, report, and respond to sexual assaults of passengers on its flights San Francisco, December 16, 2019—(BUSINESSWIRE)—Lieff Cabraser, Tyler H. Fox and Maass Law announce the filing of a federal class action lawsuit in Denver on behalf of two Colorado residents alleging that Frontier Inc. has

2019-12-16T09:35:05+00:00December 16th, 2019|Sexual Abuse|